Office for Living Architecture


The inner-city federal road B14 is being redesigned: from a separating corridor to an active element in the network of public spaces, from gray to blue-green infrastructure, from traffic space to natural space, from anxiety space to action space, from asphalt desert to green urban landscape.

The "Stadtlandschaft B14" complements the existing open space system of the "Green U" to a "Green Ring", a green continuum of different qualities with manifold relations to the adjacent open spaces. In addition to the ring, lateral connections to the surrounding neighborhoods are strengthened and their different qualities are placed in relation to each other.

A sequence of open spaces inspired by different landscape types creates characterful, atmospherically dense subspaces offering specific uses. Implemented as blue-green infrastructure with manifold experienceable, urban transformed natural spaces, urban landscape is thus reinterpreted and a strong connection through the city to the river is created.

In accordance with the principle of the sponge city, the "Stadtlandschaft B14" transforms the gray infrastructures of the car-oriented city (such as the tunnel structures at the intersections) into water reservoirs that can absorb and temporarily store large quantities of water and make it available to the green structures. This conserves drinking water resources, protects against flooding, increases biodiversity and improves the microclimate.

Cityscape B14


Stuttgart, GER


OLA – Office for Living Architecture

In cooperation with Stadtlücken e.V. and Scala Architekten